Physical Therapy Tips – The Arch Support Epidemic

Why Should I wear Supports?

Because of the tendency of most individuals to collapse in their shoes, physical therapists commonly advise nearly everyone wear supplemental arch supports in their shoes, slippers, athletic footwear, training shoes and cleats. Orthotics, or at least foam materials, have been shown to be repeatedly effective in curing pain and mechanical dysfunction of the foot, ankle, knee, hip, and back. Residual pain can take a few weeks to go away, but the problem will not get better if left uncorrected. Leg and back pain sufferers benefit from supplemental arch supports and orthotics, as well.

How does this all work?

Mechanically adding height to the navicular bone at the medial arch changes the functional position of the foot, knee and hip, and dramatically prevents many common problems. Gradually, as the body adjusts to these corrective changes, stresses change and any resultant pain will subside. The problem will continue or return if left uncorrected.

Arch supports help reduce the degree of:

  • Flat feet or falling arches(pes planus)
  • Foot pronation
  • Ankle eversion
  • Q angles at the knee (valgus)
  • Uneven hips (pelvic obliquity)
  • Lumbar scoliosis.

When Should I wear them?

Even if you only stand all day, arch supports will control pain and manage many progressive problems that physical therapists commonly treat.

Remember, wear arch supports if you are standing, exercising, shopping, working, and always at home. A number of products are available in stores near you. Start today, and you’ll be amazed at how much better you will feel.

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