Cellulite fat lingering on parts of the body such as hips, thighs or upper arm, is inherited genetically and most unwelcome. Fortunately, these are flaws that can be gotten rid of with a little concentrated effort through various exercise and diet. Cellulite is like an uninvited guest, often occurring on the female body during pregnancy, but may also begin to appear in teenage years, with the onset of puberty.

There are beauty products on the market offering creams specifically researched and aimed for removing cellulite, which are good, and then of course there is cosmetic surgery. These are the expensive options, but why not first try a natural method to rid you of unwanted cellulite. Exercise and diet play a big role in the ridding of cellulite.

Physical training

Among the best ways for saying goodbye to cellulite dimples naturally is with physical training. Doing cardiovascular or aerobic exercises increase heart rate and your blood circulation. This method burns fat and eliminates toxins, excess fluids, and waste that have collected in the body. They are easy to do, so doing them on a daily basis is no problem, and they can be quite fun at the same time.

Exercising through swimming, walking, cycling, running, or even roller skating all provide good blood pumping. Depending how fit you are will determine the length of time you exercise. However, it is a good idea to aim for a minimum of 45 minutes per day, building up to longer periods, reminding yourself of your goal to do away with your unwanted cellulite. Try to achieve this by exercising three or four days of the week.

Resistance exercising

There is also the resistance method of exercising. This is by doing Push-ups, Pilates or making use of exercise bands and medicine balls, and is other very good ways of ridding cellulite. Another treatment for natural cellulite removal considered as amongst the best methods, is with massage rollers used at beauty salons and spas. With this method, blood flow is stimulated with devices held by therapists on areas where cellulite is located. Several treatments are necessary usually before results are noticeable.

Special cellulite wraps

A safe and natural way to rid cellulite is with a total or partial body wrap. These wraps can be of seaweed, algae, mud, or clay put on to problem areas. The muddy claylike solutions are put on to a cloth wrap and applied for at least twenty minutes. When the cloth and the wrap are taken off, a moisturizer in lotion or gel form is then applied to the body. There is instant improvement seen, however wrap treatments need to be ongoing to keep up a satisfactory look.


Adequate portion sizes of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vegetables and fruit are really important in reducing cellulite. Overall, lower levels of blood sugar lower fat loss quicker, and a higher load of nutrients is beneficial against illness. Controlling the size of portions you eat is only to your benefit in your fight to rid unwanted cellulite.

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