So you have chosen your career- you are a manicurist! One important thing you should have is a manicure table. There’s a few different kinds to choose from and a big price range in them. It is important knowing what to look for, where to find them, and about how much you are looking at for the price.

Manicure tables can be simple or more complex. If you are interested in style there are several stylish ones like the aurora lights granite top. The aurora lights granite top lights up with six different colors and has a removable granite top to it. The style is not necessary. The things that you will need your manicure table to have is a padded upholster rest for your clients to rest their arm on when you are doing their nails. Also your table will need a lamp so you can see clearly what you are doing. The suggested wattage is 100 watts. Your table should also have drawers to keep your supplies in. Some things you may consider buying with or for your table is a nail polish tray, a vent system and organizing trays. The tables definitely are not cheap but worth the buy. Like everything else they range in price. Prices range from about $200 up to thousands of dollars. There are plenty of places online to find your preferred manicure table or there are also catalogs for manicurists supplies.

Regardless of the style you want with a little work you are sure to find a manicure table you will be happy with. A little research will put your manicurist dreams into action. You may not have the money for the greatest looking tables but you can start off with a cheaper one and work your way up to the more stylish.

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