You Can Add a Stairlift Even to Narrow Areas

It is a common misconception that you can’t use stairlifts for narrow stairs. That may have been true in the past, but these devices have come a long way. Listening to consumers and where they were falling through the cracks helped to bring them into the picture. Combined with outstanding technology, they are safe and they are effective.

Customised Fit

Stairlifts for narrow stairs are designed to fit around the space you have available. It is a customised fit. It starts with the stairway being measured. This provides information about how wide the seat and the entire lift kit can be. It can’t be too tight of a fit or it makes it unsafe for someone to walk around it to get up and down the stairs.

The biggest change is the tubing that the chair will run along. It is still going to be very efficient and get the job done of moving the chair up and down the stairs. However, since it has a slender design, it isn’t sticking out towards the stairs as a stairlift normally would. This is a great way to make sure you don’t have to move from your home but you can still get the lift you need.


The best way to make sure you get one of the bet stairlifts for narrow stairs is to talk about the possibilities with providers. Let them know what you are looking for and ask question about installation and warranty details. You need to share your concerns too so they can help you get answers and results. Don’t buy one until they have taken care of all of your concerns.

Find out how long it will take them to install it. You don’t want your home or business to be in chaos while it gets done. Most stairlifts for narrow stairs can be installed in just a day or two. It all depends on the process used and the complexity of the layout for the stairs. Those that are curved can prove to be a bit more difficult.


It is important to check into the warranty details. A generous warranty when it comes to stairlifts for narrow stairs can vary from one extreme to the next. Generally, the longer the warranty period is, the better the product is going to hold up. Make sure you read what is covered though to make sure it does hold plenty of value.

The warranty is on the product only, and not the installation. The provider who does the installation should also offer you a warranty on the labour. If they won’t, think twice before you work with them. It is a good idea to ask them if they are certified to install stairlifts for narrow stairs.

If they aren’t, ask about the qualifications they have and how long they have been doing this type of work. Such information can make a difference when it comes down to who you will hire. Of course you also want to compare prices. It can be very different from one provider to the next regarding the total cost of installing the product.

Should you need any repairs done, you need to feel confident they can come back and take care of it. They should also offer routine inspections. At least once a year, you should have them complete overall maintenance on the product. This will extend the life of it and help you to get a better return on your investment.

The more you look at the details, the easier it is for you to make a good decision about what to buy and who to have install it. This is far too important to trust to just anyone. Use your best judgement and do your research.

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